The VBN Team


Copyright issues upon PhD submission in Pure.

When you submit your thesis, you will be asked to state whether your PhD thesis can be published electronically.

  • If you state that your file for the assessment committee can be published, it will be made ready for e-publication by AAU Open once you have been awarded your degree.
  • AAU Open is the publisher and is responsible for the assignment of ISBN and ISSN. As the author, you keep all the rights to the thesis.
  • If you state that your thesis CANNOT be published, you must mark "No version is allowed to be published, requires written permission".
  • If you want to, it is possible to state an embargo period for the actual publication of the thesis. This may occur in instances where you are e.g. negotiating with another publisher.

Copyright issues and article-based theses

If you write an article-based thesis, you must clarify the following issues regarding copyright before you submit it in Pure:

  • Copyrights to your own articles if you want them to be part of the e-published version of your thesis. If your publishers will not allow parallel publication of the articles in your thesis, you can choose to refer to the articles at the publishers’ homepages using a link or a DOI in your thesis.
  • If your thesis contains articles that cannot be published parallel to the original version due to copyright, you must select “Redacted version can be published”. Thus, it will be possible to upload another document without articles, and this version will be prepared for publication. The full version of the thesis, including all articles in full text, will be sent to the assessment committee only.
  • If your thesis consists of articles, in which co-authors appears, you must forward approved, signed co-author declarations to your doctoral school for assessment before you submit your thesis.
  • If your thesis contains accepted but unpublished articles, and you want these to be included in the electronic version of your thesis, you must ask the publisher’s permission for parallel publishing of your thesis.
  • The Committee for the Protection of Scientific and Scholarly Work (UBVA) has drawn up an additional contract that you can submit along with your article, should you wish to apply for copyright directly upon submission of your article.