The VBN Team

Research registration in Pure

All researchers at Aalborg University must register their research in Pure. Your research is disseminated through the VBN Research Portal. This is where your research publications, research projects, and other research activities (e.g. conferences, peer-reviewing or committee work) are made visible to the world. Likewise, it is possible to view the academic production and activities of your department and research team.

It is mandatory that you register your publications. It is recommended that you register your academic activities. Usually, press clippings are imported automatically. In order to show the full breadth of your research profile, it is possible to register awards, media contributions, research applications, research grants and research projects. Read more about the different types of content below or see our short introduction on how to navigate Pure.

Staff at Aalborg University are personal Pure users and can get the necessary support from the reporting officers at the individual departments. If you have questions or is in need of further assistance, you can write to the VBN Team at

Logos under Research Registration are used with permission from Elsevier.